Embracing the Journey of Healing with Deborah Kevin

Hello everyone,

I'm thrilled to share an incredible conversation I had recently with Deborah Kevin on my YouTube channel. Deborah is an inspiring individual who has not only faced significant challenges but has also emerged stronger and more self-aware. Her story is one of resilience, healing, and the power of self-worth, which resonates deeply with my own experiences as someone who specializes in developmental and childhood trauma.

Childhood Trauma and the Journey to Healing

In our latest episode titled "Let's Connect," Deborah opens up about a particularly traumatic experience from her childhood. At just 11 years old, Deborah's mother disappeared, leaving her and her brother alone in Jacksonville, Florida. Can you imagine the feelings of fear, worthlessness, and uncertainty they must have felt during those days? Deborah bravely shared how these emotions were layers that she had to peel away and heal over time.

Deborah's story touched my heart deeply, as it mirrors so many of the experiences I've encountered in my work. She emphasized that the key to overcoming trauma is realizing your own worth and showing up as your true self. This resonated with me because, in trauma recovery, creating a sense of safety and security is paramount. For those who have never known what it feels like to be safe, it can be a daunting task, but it is absolutely possible.

Finding Safety and Connection

One of the most powerful moments in our conversation was when Deborah talked about the importance of having at least one consistent, loving adult in a child's life. This can be a game-changer in preventing the cycle of trauma from continuing. It reminded me of the importance of connection and support during the healing process. Healing in isolation is not only difficult but can also hinder one's progress.

Deborah also spoke about how her grandparents provided her with a stable environment, allowing her to be a child even when she had taken on adult responsibilities. This stability was crucial in her journey, helping her to slowly peel away the layers of pain and begin to heal.

Moving Forward with Hope

The road to healing is not easy, but as Deborah so beautifully put it, "Healing is like peeling layers of an onion." Each layer requires time, patience, and compassion. It might be painful, but every step forward brings more peace, freedom, and the ability to live authentically. Deborah's story is a powerful reminder that, no matter how deep the wounds, healing is always possible.

If you or someone you know has experienced trauma, I encourage you to listen to our conversation. Deborah and I both believe that by sharing our stories, we can help others feel less alone and inspire them to embark on their own journey of healing.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Remember, you are worth it, and you are not alone.

Stacey Uhrig



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