At the heart of mymission lies the commitment to offer accessible mental health resources, empowering individuals to learn and grow in their understanding of trauma. As part of this endeavor, I've crafted a series of self-paced workshops, designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule and learning style. To access, simply click "Enroll Now" below on the workshop of your choice. Dive into it at your own pace and unlock valuable insights into trauma awareness and healing.

What is Trauma Really?

Dive deep into the world of trauma and its effects! Gain eye-opening insights to help you grow as a person. You'll learn all about how trauma impacts us, why self-awareness is crucial, and how healing and transformation are possible. Don't miss out—enroll now.

Unmasking Burnout

Explore a new perspective on burnout. Discover the five root causes that you may not have considered and learn how to move from burnout to a place of normalcy. Gain valuable insights to help you better understand burnout, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.